Until this moment, developers all over the world struggled with the challenges of creating microservices from scratch…but now, there is MICROKUBES!

It all began last year at our company hackathon where we spent 48 hours working on projects that will solve developers’ daily troubles. We realized we had to place our passion into solving a particular problem, and that’s when the idea for Microkubes was born.

Through our work, we have faced the ups and downs of developing microservices and it was time to use our experience to create a scalable, ready-to-use microservice platform.

Now, we are ready to present Microkubes, an open source framework, for building data management platforms by using microservices. Microkubes works on any cloud, it is easy to set up and simple to use at any scale. It provides a completely integrated open source Microservices framework, which works out of the box on Kubernetes and Docker Swarm. It is based on proven technologies, that are in production in some of the most demanding applications.

Microkubes enables you to meet demanding user expectations, faster and with less risk. Its main features include:

  • Service discovery – Automation at its finest! Automatic detection of where the services reside so they can interact with each other will save you a lot of time for investigation.
  • Security – Microkubes decouples security from the microservice implementation so service developers are not responsible for implementing security correctly.
  • High scalability and availability  – Enjoy the possibility to scale each microservice with the entire system, without facing any performance issues.
  • Integrated user management – Our integrated user management ensures the integrity of data by using OAuth2, JWT, and SAML for user authentication and authorization.
  • Monitoring – Includes the ability for monitoring and alerting that doesn’t require any instrumentation to be put into the microservice itself by developers.
  • Polyglot programming environment with lightweight containers – Microkubes is language agnostic framework which means it doesn’t force developers to use a particular language. By using multi-stage docker builds we make sure that the containers are lightweight and dynamic.

Microkubes’ open source framework will help you to develop projects faster and easier than ever before. Its integrated development environment will allow you to set the focus on solving business problems instead of wiring services together.

Be a step ahead and save months worth of work! Visit microkubes.com.

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About Marina Tanevska

was part of Keitaro